
Laura Zéphirin

Storyteller & Creative Thinker

Video Journalist

Documentary Filmmaker

Multimedia Specialist

Laura Zéphirin is a French and American Filmmaker based in New York. She grew up in Paris where she worked for more than a decade as a producer, editor and videographer in the main national TV channels.

She then relocated to the Big Apple in 2017 to further explore and investigate the profound injustices that underlie our world’s social and environmental issues. Given her longtime passion for this cause, Laura decided to initiate the production of “Making Waves” in 2019 while enrolled in the News and Documentary program at New York University.

Laura’s intention and purpose behind “Making Waves” was to both inform the worldwide audience of the robust impact we, as humans, have on our natural environment, as well as stimulate a shift in our overall understanding of our oceans.

Since 2020, the filmmaker has been working as an associate producer/editor for Great Big Story (CNN) and CNBC Make it, as well as a full time digital editor, producer and videographer for NBC News.